I have been seizure free for four days, but I know that won't last. My MRI report came back and showed 35 METS on my brain and a spot on my spine. This is not going to get me down. Though I am on Hospice, I will always continue to fight as much as my body will allow.
We went to eat with our good friends Jenny and Chris on Sunday. It was a much needed stress relief from everything that has been going on here at the house. God was definitely present. Don't you just love it when you can feel the presence of the Lord touch your heart? I felt Him all day Sunday and His love is just filling me up as the days go by.
Today is my eleven month cancerversary! One more month, and I will have survived lung cancer for a whole year. Where has the time gone? I am so grateful for all of the love and support I have had during this entire process. Next month is also pulmonary fibrosis awareness and in honor of that, we are dying the kiddos hair blue. Not sure what I will be doing just yet.
Since I've been sick, since I've been chronically ill, and then later learning it was a terminal condition, I have had many people say a lot of different things to me. Some things, I don't mind so much. They are meant well, and they are kind things from kind people. But of course, there are some things that well, just get on my nerves. And, I am not the only one this happens to. It's not just the terminally ill that feel this way, it is also the chronically ill as well.
If you’re friends with someone who is terminally or chronically ill, there are certain things you should not say to them. Depending on sense of humor of the person who is ill, there can be jokes and sarcasm about the illness, if you know the person well enough to know they will like the jokes. Those things are all fine, and in fact, usually welcomed, because it helps normalize the illness. Which is really what I think most of us want–to ‘normalize’ our lives, so that our illness isn’t always the main topic of discussion or worse yet, a topic to be avoided and ignored and danced around. I don’t mind jokes about death and dying, just because I have a terminal illness that might kill me any day. In fact, I tend to make some of the funniest jokes myself.
And that’s the thing: I want special treatment for my illness to accommodate the things I can no longer do, but I do NOT want special treatment for my illness based on my personality or actions. I am still a human being and I should be held to the same standards of life, love, kindness, fairness, courteousness, etc., as any human being is. If I’m rude, don’t let it go just because I’m in a wheelchair. If a guy in a wheelchair rides by you and purposefully scratches his chair arm down the side of your car, he’s still responsible for paying for the damage, whether he’s handicapped/disabled or not. If someone calls you a nasty name, you can call them out, even if they have cancer or a chronic illness.
I’ve talked to a lot of people who are living with terminal illnesses since I’ve been sick and the one theme that seems to be running through the whole community of sick people is that we all wish things were more NORMAL in our lives again. The number one thing that we lament the loss of is our old way of life, but the number two thing that we seem to lament the loss of is the way people treat us.
I think that’s why I like Facebook so much since I’ve been sick. On Facebook, I’m as normal as anyone is normal (and on Facebook, that’s saying something). On Facebook, people don’t see my nasal cannula; my fat body; my swollen face, hands, feet and legs; or any of the other things I have to go through that have changed how I appear to others. On Facebook, no one sits up all night with me when I can’t sleep or holds my hand when I’m in horrible pain, hand holds my hair back while I hang over the side of the bed, puking my guts out repeatedly. These are all things my family sees on a regular basis. I suppose it can’t help but change how you view a person. I don’t blame them or anyone else for treating me differently. It’s just, on Facebook, I’m not fragile.
Sorry for the long windup, but let’s get down to the brass tacks here: What Not to Say to Someone Who Is Dying (Chronically Ill)
Don’t apologize if you’ve said these things to someone, even me–I’m neither expecting that nor wanting it. I’m simply putting this out there as general guidelines, and every sick person is different, so keep that in mind. These are general things MOST of the people I’ve talked to in forums who are dealing with the same chronic illnesses and such as I’m dealing with have said at one time or another. The main point here is, Don’t change how you treat someone JUST because they are sick.
1. I know just how you feel / I know how you feel / I know what you mean (give an example of your own story)
Here’s the thing: Unless you too are dying, you do NOT know how I feel. Even if you ARE dying, you still don’t know how I feel. You might can guess and empathize with me, but you can’t possibly know how I feel. So don’t tell me that you do. Because when you say that, I want to scream at you: No, you don’t! You don’t know how I feel–you can’t possibly know how I feel–no one can possibly know how I feel! It’s a gut reaction. It’s an emotional pain reaction. But the truth is, no one can ever truly know how another feels, so there’s really no reason to say so. It’s okay to say, “I’m sorry.” or even, “I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through, but I empathize with your pain.”
2. My so-and-so used such-and-such treatment/medicine/herbal remedy/online elixir/snake oil cure/MLM marketing product/etc., and it worked wonders for him/her! You should try it!
When someone is living with a terminal illness, chances are their medications are highly regulated. I know mine are. I’m on a lot of stuff that can be quite dangerous if I go adding herbs I don’t know what they are to the mix. While I appreciate the intent to help, taking something I don’t know what it is could literally kill me or cause major interactions with my medication. If I take these things to most of my doctors, they look at me like I grew a third eyeball in the middle of my nose, so it’s easier to just let it go and stick with what I know works. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t necessarily want to hear about new and cutting edge treatments and such I might not have known about, but with as many friends as I have on Facebook and with all the research I do, it’s unlikely I won’t have heard about it a bajillion times already. Please know, I truly, deeply appreciate all the concern and the caring and the intent behind these suggestions, but I simply can’t risk my health on these things. Most chronically ill people agree these suggestions get old after a while.
3. So-and-so had such-and-such disease (usually the same as or similar to your own), and he/she lived for years and years after diagnosis!
Yeah. Every person is different and every disease progression is different, so hearing that someone else lived a long time and a good life after diagnosis is not only not helpful, but it can sometimes be defeating when your diagnosis is different and you know you won’t possibly be able to have what that person had. Hearing that others lived a long time after a diagnosis might seem on the surface to be an encouraging thing, but people who live with terminal illnesses have to constantly fight against the ‘false hope syndrome’. Facing the reality of our situation without delving into the morbidity of it is crucial for remaining healthy mentally and emotionally in the time we have left. If you want to give us hope, then talk to us about all the things we can still do with the time we have left–however short or long it is–and talk to us about how our lives make an impact on those people and things around us. Help us leave a mark in this world that means something, so that whatever time we have is quality time.
4. Nothing (or nothing about the illness).
You know, it’s not uncommon when someone is sick for friends to turn away from their friend who is ill. It’s hard when your friend can’t do all the things they used to be able to do, the things that brought the two of you together in the first place. But if you think it’s hard on you to not be able to do things with your friend any more, think how much more difficult it is for your friend who can’t DO those things. And while you have other friends who can still do those things with you and you can turn to them, your sick friend has no one else they can DO those things with because they can’t DO those things. If all the friends who can’t do things with the sick person any more turn away, where does that leave the chronically ill or terminally ill person? Friendless and alone while they are facing their illness.
Almost as bad is to pretend entirely like nothing has happened. Sure, it seems like a good idea on the surface of it, since all a sick person wants to do is be ‘normal’ for them again, but the truth is, facing an illness changes a person. It changes their day to day reality. To ignore that part of them is to ignore a huge part of who they are. Not to mention, sometimes, they need to talk about it. They need a friend to vent to. They need someone safe to blow off steam or cry on their shoulder once in a while. Don’t be afraid to talk about them being sick. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions. If you know they have a doctor’s appointment, ask how it went or if they got any news. Ask if they need a ride or if you can do something to help.
5. “I’m’ just fine. Everything’s great!” “You deal with so much, I didn’t want to burden you…” “It’s nothing compared to what you’re going through….”
Don’t lie to your sick friend and act like you have no problems, because you’re afraid that your petty day to day problems can’t possibly compare to their illness. If you used to dump on your friend, it’s okay to dump on them now. That’s the dynamic of your relationship with you. You share things. And then if you do dump, don’t qualify it with things like, “It’s nothing compared to what you go through every day, but…” because all that does is make the sick person feel normal for a moment while you’re dumping, but then you jolt them right back into their reality of being sick with the qualifier. Be yourself. Share your day with them. And if they dump on you and say, “I have cancer and you’re talking about bickering with some guy at your office… seriously, how petty can you be?” Answer them honestly, “Well, if you were working at the office, and had cancer, you’d be complaining about this guy too!” or something… joke, tease, treat the disease like you would any other obstacle in that person’s life.
6. “Have you been saved?” “Do you know Jesus?” “Have you given your heart to (insert god of choice here)”.
Religion is so very personal. Let it be between that person and their god, or lack thereof, and unless THEY bring up religion, avoid it.
It’s not much damned fun being sick, either.
But the difference those few moments of normalcy that a friend can bring into a chronically ill or terminally ill person’s life are invaluable, crucial, vital to survival, even. Sick people NEED friends. They NEED people to love and care about them. They NEED to know that someone is there.
Your presence will mean more than anything else… just BE there. That’s what’s going to matter most.
Just love each other.
And I spent sometime with my mama the other day....I know she will miss me the most. So, if you see her, give her a hug. Tell her she looks beautiful for me. Make her day brighter. She deserves it.
Love you all and truly mean it and God loves you too,
Shanna xoxo
Here is the link to our Go Fund Me Page to help with medical and travel expenses: gofund.me/hope4shanna2016
Official blog Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/shannabananahealthandfitness
Official prayer warrior page for my fight against lung cancer: facebook.com/hope4shanna
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